Balkan No Border, A Record
The Network for the Rural Development of Serbia created the website through financial assistance of the European Union (EU). Its goal, the disseminating information available on EU grants for the sustainable development of rural communities in the West Balkans and Turkey. By providing grants for socioeconomic development the EU’s goal was to build a strong, civil society in these areas. According to the EU, hallmarks of such a society are partnerships between government organizations at all levels and organizations that represent the residents of such rural areas.
The website provided a vehicle to alert the participants the EU sought to the opportunity provided by the grants. It also informed applicants on the application process, and provided application documents. Moreover, it served as a record of the grants, along with how the organizations that received grants performed. Balkan-NoBorders ran for just 3 years, from 2017 to early 2020.
We think anything related to migration, here perhaps an effort to stop migration from the East to the EU by providing economic opportunity in the countries migrants come from, is worth preserving. When the history of the 21st century is written, the dissolution of traditional nation states and the push for no borders to unregulated migration, and its political and economic fallout, will feature prominently. To the extent we can, we want to preserve records. Hence, this website’s return.
We will be back soon with the old website as a historical record, and perhaps new information. In the mean time, if you want, you can get in touch.