Network for Rural Development of Serbia, on behalf of consortium of partners: Development Foundation of Turkey, Turkey; Network For Rural Development of Montenegro; Network for Rural Development of Macedonia; Network for Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Institue for Democacy and Mediation, Albania; Network of Organisation for Rurad Development of Kosovo; Croatian Rural Development Network and Latvian Rural Forum, Latvia, announces:
NEW CALL FOR GRANTING IN KOSOVO*, for Capacity Building and Advocacy Grant Program for sustainable rural development in the Western Balkans
We are inviting civil society organisations (CSOs) to submit Full applications related for Capacity Building and Advocacy initiative in one of the thematic areas of sustainable rural development: LEADER and CLLD (Community Led Local Development) approaches; Rural development; Sustainable management of Natural resources; Environment protection; Social economy; Innovation in socio-economic development; Sustainable agriculture; Diversification of economic activities in rural areas.
The Call is opened until 31 January 2018 at 23.59 hours for all CSOs from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo* active in different aspects of sustainable rural development of Kosovo*.
More information about conditions for applying can be found in Guidelines for applicants with accompanying annexes at webpage and webpages of members of the project consortium:
– Kosovo, Network of Organisation for Rurad Development of Kosovo –
Also if you need more informations about conditions for applying you can contact national coordinators by e-mails:
– Kosovo, Network of Organisation for Rurad Development of Kosovo
Civil Society Organizations with successful application will granted with maximum 15.300 euros per grant. Minimum 2 best project proposals for sustainable rural development will be granted to implement projects in period 15th February 2018 – 15th November 2018.
Programme is conducted as part of project “ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas” founded by European Union European Union and lasts for four years.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions or status, and in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence